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Rules and Code of Conduct

  • You must be 18 or over to attend; those found to be younger will be kicked from the convention.

  • Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated, and attendees acting disrespectfully or disruptively to other attendees or the mods is a bannable offense.

  • This is a judgment-free zone: severely dislike a ship, trope, kink, or character? Keep it to yourself! A light-hearted statement of preference is fine, but let’s keep the focus on things we do like! Any rudeness will not be tolerated.

  • Our panels will be given a NSFW tag if applicable, and panelists are free to choose content warnings. However, they are also free not to, so please ensure you curate your experience responsibly.

  • We are against harassment and fandom puritanism - if these do not align with your beliefs, then this may not be the convention for you.


If you see any behaviour that breaks the above rules, or makes you uncomfortable, let us know! Either email us at, message us on Twitter or Tumblr, or @ one of the staff on Discord.

Ruls Anchor


Registration for ArchiveCon is completely free, and done through Eventbrite. However, we will not be accepting registrations during the event itself, so make sure you sign up early! Registration will permanently close on June 21th, 2024, at 12:00 PM, PST. Remember, that's four hours before we start!


Unsure if you can make the convention itself, or know that you can't get time off? No worries! Feel free to register anyways - this will grant you access to the Discord and any recorded panels that you can watch in your own time, after the convention.


Once you’ve registered, keep up-to-date on any new info by following our twitter (@archive_con) and tumblr (@archivecon). When we get closer to the final date, we will send out an email containing the convention schedule, as well as Discord invites, so the community can get hyped up beforehand! 


[Registration Now Open!]



In terms of attending the con itself, we will be using three different platforms: Discord, Zoom, and Twitch.



  • This will be the main community hub: chat with fellow fans, receive announcements, have access to staff members, talk to individual Artist Alley contributors, play games, listen in on streams, etc. Consider this the hallway and info booth of an in-person con! The Discord group will be open a week prior to the official con date, in order to let loose all those pre-con jitters and to deal with any questions attendees might have about panels, tech support, etc. The Discord will also stay open for a few weeks after the convention ends.



  • We will be hosting the majority of our panels and activities here! Zoom is free to use for attendees. Each video has a chat section alongside, so attendees can talk about the panel or activity, and, if the panelist allows it, ask questions at the end. All attendees will be automatically muted when they join. If you'd like to watch our panels live, we highly recommend you download Zoom before the convention starts. We will also be hosting a few practice sessions so attendees and panelists can get comfortable with the program. 



  • Similar to Zoom, this is another option for panelists to choose from, if they have their own channel. Attendees will be able to type chat alongside the video screen.


Remember - to get the full experience of the con, make sure you have a Discord account, and can access Twitch and Zoom. However, if you prefer a quieter, singular experience, that's fine too! All links to panels and activities will be emailed to registered attendees before the convention starts, so you don't need to join the Discord if you'd prefer not to.

Registration Anchor

Meet the Team

Carrie | Con-runner

She\Her | GWENNNN!!!


Meet the Team

Aza | Moderator | Tech Support

She/They/It | One time Jonny Sims gave me a pity high-five


J. Quadrifrons | Fandom Elder | Moderator

They/Them | Fiber nerd and former librarian


Elodie | Curator

She/Her | Likes spreadsheets & archivists, does not have grey eyes (yet)

Hosta | Copywriter | Moderator

He/They | Eldritch terror, hairstylist, and all-around gremlin


Cassidy | Curator

She/Her | One day I'll finish that entry about tape recorders in TMA


Fav, Forsyth | Moderators



Got questions? Email us anytime at, or message us on Tumblr at, or Twitter at!

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